My bags are packed. Well, they have been packed for two weeks now! There are advantages to being a premature packer I can assure you. Well, apart from the tiny matter of trying to squeeze 9lbs/1000 flyers in at the last minute!
I always like to be prepared, but I think on this occasion I was a little too prepared and hadn't bargained for the size or weight of the flyers!

I'm planning on doing this on the first few days I am in the city, and hope that it might prove a good way of getting to know new people too!
With hindsight being the wonderful thing that it is, I guess I should have printed the flyers in NYC, but hey, I can't think of everything.
So, the next time I write here, I'll be in the heart of Manhattan and will be beginning to unpeel the Big Apple!
Stay tuned for photos, videos, stories and more!

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