I love twitter so much I even organised a twitter flash mob!
And I'm intending to make the most out of this wonderful social media tool when I am in New York City.
For the past couple of months I've started to follow tweeters in NYC. There's quite a mixture of organisations, things to do, as well as fellow photographers and social media peeps and people who have piqued my interest.

I've started exchanging tweets, getting to know people, and have even been invited to a couple of nights out!
And although I am putting a lot of planning into the Big Apple Unpeeled, I want to leave room for spontaniety.
One of the apps I use on my iPhone is a twitter client called Twitterrific. It meets all my tweeting needs when I am on the move.
However, there is one feature that I haven't tapped into yet; the Nearby feature.
No matter where you are, if you tap on Nearby, it will show you a list of tweeters within your vicinity and what they are saying.

So, I'm gonna see who and what is going on around me. If something or someone interests me, then I'm just going to say 'Hi' and see what happens! Perhaps I'll make a new friend, perhaps not. Maybe I'll end up somewhere interesting maybe not. But I'm going to give it a try and of course I'll be reporting back here!

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