You just put in your location, with the option of adding in dates as well. Great!
Hmm. Well, perhaps not so great. I lost patience with it very quickly.....
My first search under 'Manhattan' delivered a walk around and through central park with an approximate length of time along each part of the route, and with the option of removing some of the choices.
Okay, not bad for the first try. I could do that on one of my days in NYC. But upon refreshing the screen to find another selection I was disappointed to find the same map presented to me. I guess in some ways I shouldn't have been surprised as I used the same search term, but in a city the size of Manhattan, I would have thought that it would be churning out 'tour' after tour covering the width and length of the city.
So, I went a bit more general with my next search term, 'New York City'. Ah now it was covering a bit more ground, with a walk lasting approximately 4.5 hours starting at the centre of the Brooklyn Bridge.

Okay, time to get a bit more specific on my next search, 'Financial District, Manhattan'.
Well, this walk does include the financial district, but also takes me quite a way away from it too. Hmmm.....

As I mentioned, you can put in how many days you are staying in the area, but the maximum number of days is 5. I clicked on day 2 for Financial District. Now this is more like it. Much closer to the area. Things are looking up!

Until....Day 3. Where Google City Tours had run out of suggestions altogether.